受文單位 : 台灣總統蔡英文
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發文者 : 台灣重億興業股份有限公司
Sender: Taiwan Chung Ye Machinery & Hardware Corp.
董事長 : 盧再傳 發明專利人
Chairman: Lu Tsai Chuan (Patenter)
台灣嘉義市東義路560號 TEL : 886-5-2766925
No. 560, Tung Yi Rd, Chia Yi City, Taiwan, R.O.C
TEL : 886-5-2766925
* E-mail : cy.nec@msa.hinet.net
台灣醫療發明專利 : I263500美國醫療發明專利 : US7,534,740 B2。
Taiwan medical patent: I263500 United States of America medical patent: US7,534,740 B2.
新加坡代表 : Kao Hsi Chen 飲喝大自然機能水(無需接種疫苗)見証人, Chen Su Mei
Singapore representative: Kao Hsi Chen (Witness to the organic water), Chen Su Mei
最新南非變種病毒現身! 突變更多、傳染力恐強過DeIta
A new variant emerges in Africa! More evolved and infectious than the Delta variant
根據媒體報導,南非專家表示,B.1.1.529病毒(Omicron變異株) 突變DeIta病毒多2倍,病毒表面關鍵的棘狀蛋白(spike protein) 至少出現了32種突變。不僅是目前新冠病毒變種最多的,他的傳染力還可能Delta病毒更強,甚至有降低目前的疫苗效果。自Omicron變異株出現以來,南非當地病例已從每日新增100人,可說是暴增10倍,且由於非洲疫情監控機制較不完善,該數字很有可能被低估。
According to media reports, South African specialists have expressed that the B.1.1.529 virus (Omicron variant) mutates twice as much as the Delta variant and the key protein on the surface of the virus, the spike protein, has shown at least 32 mutations. Not only is the omicron variant more infectious than the Delta variant, but it also decreases the effectiveness of vaccines. Ever since the appearance of the Omicron variant, the number of daily infected cases in South Africa has risen by 100, a 10 times increase. Furthermore, with the monitoring process in Africa being subpar, the number may be an underestimate.
疫苗其他成分:本疫苗成分尚包含L-Histidine、L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate、氯化鎂、聚山梨醇酯80 (Polysorbate 80)、乙醇、蔗糖、氯化鈉、乙二胺四乙酸二鈉(EDTA-2Na)。
The vaccine includes L-Histidine, L-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate, Magnesium Chloride, Polysorbate 80, Ethanol, Sucrose, Sodium chloride, and EDTA-2Na.
一、接種疫苗劑次曾發生嚴重過敏反應 !
Firstly, there is a recent occurrence of allergic reactions to vaccines!
The lymph node is the first line of defence against bacteria, viruses and irregular Antigen stimulation, similar to a warrior fighting and braving the odds on the front lines. When the source of infection enters the body, the respiratory tract becomes the first to be infected. The T cells in neighbouring Lymph node begin to secrete hormones that stimulate the growth of
B cells. The increase in antibodies from the B cells results in the swelling of the lymph node. In fact, there are two types of lymph node swelling: the first is tangible swelling in areas of the neck, groin, armpit and elbow, with the neck swelling being the most common. This type of swelling is easily discovered and diagnosed. The second type of swelling is hidden beneath the visceral layer and occurs around Mediastinal vessels and Abdominal intestine. This type is not easily diagnosed and once Visceral lymph nodes swell, the condition calls for hospitalisation.
二、接種疫苗劑產細菌或病毒感染有反應時往往會出現腫脹 !
因為COVID-19 疫苗會促使免疫反應,所以它們會引起類似的反應。 腫脹的腺體通常出現在注射疫苗的身體,如在左臂打過疫苗的病人的左腋下結節。 疫苗接種後導致淋巴結腫大的情況並不少見。對於 Omicron 傳染力為何?各說紛紜,各國專家運用不同的方式進行推估,依據美國流行病專家Dave Greenidge初步估計 R0 值為 50,代表一個人可以感染 50 個人;另外流行疾病專家 James Weiland 則從建模數據中推算:「 Omicron 的傳染性比最初原始武漢株感染傳播力高 500 %。」
Secondly, the reaction of vaccines towards bacterial or virus infections often results in swelling! Since the COVID-19 vaccine provides immunity, similar reactions occur. The swelling is often situated in the proximity of the site of the injection. For example, swelling can occur at the left armpit if the vaccine is administered on the left arm. As mentioned previously, swelling of lymph nodes caused by vaccines is not rare. But how does this affect the spread of Omicron? Different experts have various takes, but according to preliminary estimations from epidemiologist Dave Greenidge, the R0 value is at 50, implying that a single person can affect up to 50 people. Another epidemiologist James Weiland uses modeling data to calculate that the Omicron variant is 500% more infectious than the initial variant from Wuhan.
水是構成人體的重要成分,像是血液、淋巴液以及身體的分泌物等都與水有關,水約占成人體重的60-70%,則血液中含水量約達90%以上,當人體進食後,會經過吞嚥、消化、運送養份以至排泄廢物,則這些各個環節都需要水的幫助才能順利進行。成人體內含水量約佔體重的50-60%,嬰兒體內含水量較高約70-75%,一般而言,體內含水量隨著年齡增加而減少。 水可以運送養分、氧氣至組織器官,也可以將細胞代謝所產生的廢物(尿素、二氧化碳),經腎臟、或肺臟排出體外。 在細胞組織中,水參與所有代謝的水解反應,也有調節體內酸鹼平衡的功能。
Third, injection of the Covid-19 vaccine is the cause of virus mutations!
Water is an important component of the human body. Blood, lymph fluid and excretory materials are related to water. In fact, 90% of blood is made up of water. Processes such as eating, swallowing, digesting, transportation of nutrients, and excretion require water to be carried out successfully. Water takes up 50-60% of an adults body weight and 70-75% that of a child’s. The percentage of water in the body typically decreases with age. Water transports nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs as well as removes excretory materials such as urea and carbon dioxide via the kidney and lungs respectively. In cell tissues, water participates in all metabolic hydrolysis reactions, and also has the function of regulating the acid-base balance in the body.
Fourth, further mutations of the virus caused by the interlaced spread of droplets!
The proportion of water in the lymph nodes is 94%: most of the water in the lymph nodes is lymph fluid. Lymph fluid accounts for about 1 to 3% of body weight, and its composition is somewhat similar to plasma, but it does not contain red blood cells and platelets. Lymph fluid contains water, protein, cell residues and pathogens, etc. After passing through the lymph nodes, it will be filtered and cleared of pathogens and toxins. 70% of the human body is water. Do you know which organ contains the most water? The water content of the blood is 83%: the water in the blood is responsible for the transportation, and the exchange of substances between the capillary, tissues and the external environment, such as the transportation of various substances and heat between the tissue cells of the whole body and the lung, kidney, and skin. In addition, the constancy of the internal environment is also maintained, and the blood buffers the changes caused by some acidic metabolites.
自來水多以氯氣或次氯酸鈉消毒,當氯氣 溶於水中會變成次氯酸或次氯酸根離子, 即俗稱有效餘氯,因次氯酸具有極高的氧 化能力,如自來水含有效餘氯,它在配水管中停留時可預防細菌(病原菌)的滋生, 因此有效餘氯在自來水的安全衛生上扮演 極重要的角色,本礦物飲喝食用水水質標準之自由有效餘氯的含量是0.2 〜 1.0 毫克/公升。
Fifth, Drinking organic water is the solution to virus mutation!
Tap water is mostly disinfected with chlorine or sodium hypochlorite. When chlorine is dissolved in water, it will become hypochlorous acid or hypochlorite ion, which is commonly known as effective residual chlorine. Since hypochlorous acid has a very high oxidizing ability, such as tap water containing residual chlorine, it can prevent the growth of bacteria (pathogenic bacteria) while staying in the water distribution pipe. Therefore, the effective residual chlorine plays an extremely important role in the safety and sanitation of tap water. The free effective residual chlorine content of this mineral drinking and drinking water quality standard is 0.2 ~ 1.0 mg /liter.
礦物機能飲用水之防疫傳染病毒,為避用食品宣稱療效而違反食品安全衛生管理法,本礦物機能飲用水是不違反食品安全衛生管理法。世界首創絕活實踐人體“礦物機能飲喝水”是添加各類礦物質,如二氧化鈦、硫磺礦之物理性研磨奈米薄膜入宿水分團飲喝水。“礦物機能飲用水之生命科學” 申請獲得美國、台灣醫療製造發明專利「物理性研磨奈米Tio2薄膜入宿水分團鍵爆裂機能水」可經呼吸道進入肺部及飲食水經口液入侵人體血液细胞通道,爆裂入宿血液细胞,分解代謝排泄病毒。礦物機能飲用水之礦物質含量是依國際檢測安全衛生標準為基準。
"奈米薄膜礦物機能飲用水"之「物理性研磨奈米Tio2、Sulfur Mine等薄膜入宿水分團鍵爆裂機能水」可經呼吸道進入肺部及飲食水經口液進入人體血液细胞通道,爆裂入宿血液细胞強化人體體內臟腑之免疫系統,並分解代謝病毒排除」。若「全國人民每天飲用此機能水,除可強化自身的免疫抗體,進而形成全國人民防疫共同體。「重症」確診者,依老、中、少幼水份吸收各有不同,每天「200cc礦物機能飲用水添加1,000cc至2,000cc的水」隨時嗽口飲喝身陳代謝排汗排尿一星期後可陽轉陰之效益。「輕症」確診者,依老、中、少幼水份吸收亦各有不同,每天「100cc礦物薄膜機能水添加1,000cc至2,000cc水」隨時嗽口飲喝身陳代謝排汗排尿一星期後可陽轉陰之效益。有關國家經濟與民生,如飯店、餐廳、學校、工廠、公司、團體群聚至家庭生活,必須提供「10cc至20cc礦物薄膜機能水添加1,000cc至2,000cc水」隨時飲喝機能水,以達每人吸吐及口液交錯傳播之遏止。
The anti-epidemic infection of the mineral functional drinking water is in violation of the Food Safety and Sanitation Management Act in order to avoid the declared efficacy of food. This mineral functional drinking water does not violate the Food Safety and Sanitation Management Act. The world's first unique practice of mineral functional drinking water for the human body is to add various minerals, such as titanium dioxide, sulfur ore, and physically ground nano-film to drink and drink water. "The life science of drinking water with mineral function" applied for a medical manufacturing invention patent in the United States and Taiwan. "Physically ground nano-Tio2 film into the water group key burst function water" can enter the lungs through the respiratory tract, and the dietary water and oral fluid can invade the blood of the human body The cell channel bursts into the blood cells to metabolise and excrete the virus. The mineral content of mineral functional drinking water is based on international testing safety and health standards.
"Nano-thin film mineral functional drinking water" "Physically ground nano-film Tio2, Sulfur Mine, etc." can enter the lungs through the respiratory tract and enter the human blood cell channel through oral fluid and burst. Incoming blood cells strengthen the immune system of the internal organs and catabolize viruses to eliminate them." If “people across the country drink this functional water every day, in addition to strengthening their own immune antibodies, and thus forming a national community of people’s epidemic prevention.” Those diagnosed with “severe illness” will have different water absorption depending on the age, middle, young and young. drink
Add 1,000cc to 2,000cc of water." Drinking mouthwash and drinking at any time, metabolism, perspiration, and urination can turn positive and negative after one week. "Mild" diagnosed patients have different water absorption depending on the old, middle, young and young. "100cc of mineral film functional water with 1,000cc to 2,000cc of water" every day cough, drink, drink, perspiration and urinate at any time for a week The benefit of turning yang from yang to yin afterwards. Relevant countries’ economy and people’s livelihood, such as restaurants, restaurants, schools, factories, companies, and groups for family life, must provide "10cc to 20cc mineral film functional water plus 1,000cc to 2,000cc water" to drink and drink functional water at any time to achieve Stop the spread of each person's inhalation and oral fluids.
新冠病毒一直突變再突變,最嚴重的變異毒株在南非被發現之後,引發全球關注,多國政府迅速升級防疫力度。而這意味著針對已知病毒和變異株研製的疫苗、藥物的效果可能受影響。每一次新冠病毒感染人體,都是SARS-CoV-2病毒不斷複製自己的結果,每次複製就要複製自己的基因組,在複製的過程中可能出現微小的錯誤,因此新的基因組可能和之前就稍有不同,這是病毒首先接觸人體細胞的地方,讓病毒更容易進入細胞內變異, 這就會讓病毒更具優勢,使研製的疫苗、藥物無效果,因而造成經濟上的損失難於估計 。
The new coronavirus has been mutated and then mutated. After the most severe mutant strain was discovered in South Africa, it has aroused global attention, and governments of many countries have rapidly upgraded their epidemic prevention efforts. This means that the effects of vaccines and drugs developed against known viruses and mutant strains may be affected. Every time a new coronavirus infects the human body, it is the result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus constantly replicating itself. Every time it replicates, it has to replicate its own genome. Small errors may occur during the replication process. Therefore, the new genome may be the same as before. It is slightly different. This is where the virus first contacts human cells, making it easier for the virus to enter the cell and mutate. This will give the virus more advantages and make the developed vaccines and drugs ineffective, which makes it difficult to estimate the economic loss.
綜合 : 水是構成人體的重要成分,如同血液、淋巴結為人體來抵抗細菌,飲用水水質之標準為自由有效餘氯含量的0.2 〜 1.0 毫克/公升。水含量物質被公布的900多種化學物質中無法去除新冠病毒之感染基因組,以致omicron變異株載體難以防疫,需靠“奈米薄膜礦物機能飲用水”添加各類礦物質,如二氧化鈦、硫磺礦之物理性研磨奈米薄膜入宿水分團飲喝水增加淋巴液中 的水、蛋白質、細胞殘渣和病原體等,經淋巴結會被過濾和清除病原體及毒素排除。
Conclusion: Water is an important component of the human body. Just like blood and lymph nodes are the human body to resist bacteria, the standard of drinking water quality is 0.2 ~ 1.0 mg/L of free effective residual chlorine. Among the more than 900 chemical substances that have been announced for water content, the infectious genome of the new coronavirus cannot be removed, so that the omicron mutant vector is difficult to prevent the epidemic. It is necessary to add various minerals, such as titanium dioxide and sulfur minerals, to the "nano-film mineral functional drinking water". Physically grinding the nanofilm into the lodging water mass. Drinking water increases the water, protein, cell residues and pathogens in the lymph fluid, which will be filtered and removed by the lymph nodes to remove pathogens and toxins.
If "the people of the whole country drink this functional water every day", in addition to strengthening their own immune antibodies, they can form a national people's epidemic prevention community and prevent the invasion of omicron and other mutant strains. And resume the opening of domestic and foreign business activities and drive tourism bubbles, and enjoy the economic miracles brought about by business activities and tourism bubbles due to drinking mineral functional drinking water.
This "Nano-film mineral functional drinking water" is very willing to accept the highest standards of testing, inspection, verification and other certifications from the highest sanitation agency of the Singapore government!
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