Submitted by super生命自然機能水醫療觸媒礦膜飲水進入血液發明專利
Life Natural Function Water Medical Catalyst Mineral Film Invention Patent for Drinking Water to Enter the Blood
世界首創應用於生活飲用水中添加25cc至100cc「物理性研磨礦物薄膜熱能觸媒水」簡稱大自然機能水! 人體日常生活所需水份1,000cc至2,500cc飲喝, 嗽口嗅液混溶舌食,人體機能所需水份80%至90%吸收至淋巴血液細胞膜組織中代謝血液細胞膜!遇陽病毒菌均可爆裂,氧化,清除,人體淋巴腺循還輸送全身各部位器官輸送供給血液含水份粒結花蕊,老死聚病毒代泄排出! 給血液產氧量, 能促進始源幹細胞血液基茵種子活化重生血液化蕊細胞膜 ! 沖洗癌症的類型大致分為癌、肉瘤,黑色素瘤、淋巴瘤,以及白血病。 癌是最常見的類型,並會在皮膚、肺部、乳房、胰腺,以及其他器官和腺體中形成。 肉瘤這類型癌症會在骨骼、肌肉、脂肪血管、軟骨和其他軟組織中出現。 淋巴瘤是淋巴系統的癌症,而黑色素瘤是皮膚色素細胞的癌症。
The world's first application to add 25cc to 100cc of "physically ground mineral film thermal catalyst water" to drinking water, referred to as nature functional water! The human body needs 1,000cc to 2,500cc of water for daily drinking, and the mouth and nose are miscible with the tongue Food, 80% to 90% of the water required for human body functions is absorbed into the lymphatic and blood cell membrane tissues to metabolize the blood cell membrane! Viruses and bacteria can explode, oxidize, and remove when exposed to the virus. The human lymph glands circulate and transport various parts of the body to organs and supply blood content. Moisture is collected in the stamens, and the old and dead viruses are secreted and excreted! It produces oxygen to the blood, which can promote the activation of the original stem cell blood gene seeds and regenerate the blood stamen cell membrane! The types of cancer can be roughly divided into cancer, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma tumors, and leukemia.
人體血液淋巴腺聚結為腫瘤的組織固態瘤 ! 人體日常所需飲喝觸媒礦膜飲水進入血液輸入腫瘤的組織固態瘤內爆裂膿液化代謝清除癌細胞「吐血膿液, 尿液及排便血膿液」偶次數緩慢排泄為正常現象, 恢復正常排泄次數月後檢查固態瘤自然消失 ! 需繼續飲喝消除老化或損壞細胞重生活化為人體機能生代謝。
Cancer is a common name for a group of related diseases. In a normal, healthy human body, cells grow and divide in response to the body's needs. When cells age or become damaged, they die and are replaced by new cells. However, in people who develop cancer, their cells divide uncontrollably and spread to nearby tissues.
The human body's blood lymph glands coalesce into solid tumor tissue! The human body's daily needs are to drink catalytic mineral film. Drinking water enters the blood and is input into the tumor tissue solid tumor. The solid tumor bursts into pus and metabolizes to remove cancer cells. It spits out blood, pus, urine and defecation. Slow excretion of liquid at an even frequency is normal. After returning to normal excretion frequency, the solid tumor will naturally disappear after a few months! You need to continue drinking to eliminate aging or damaged cells, regenerate and metabolize the body's functions.
現代醫學科技冶療方式簡介癌症的七種治療類型,包括:手術、化療、放療、標靶治療、免疫療法、荷爾蒙療法、骨髓移植等患者促使人體機能免疫系統受損, 容易體弱感染其他各部器病變袞竭死亡? 鑑於種種癌症治療失敗案列和我目前所閱讀過的論文, 這30年來我一直堅持認為, 九成的癌症患者死於對癌症的高度恐懼, 以及手術後的後遺症和抗癌藥物引起的副作用,而非死於癌症本身!
An introduction to the treatment methods of modern medical science and technology. There are seven types of cancer treatments, including: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy, bone marrow transplantation, etc. Patients suffer from damage to the body's functional immune system and are prone to infection in other parts of the body. Death due to organic disease? In view of various cancer treatment failure cases and the papers I have read so far, I have been insisting for the past 30 years that 90% of cancer patients die from high fear of cancer, as well as postoperative sequelae and resistance to cancer. Side effects caused by cancer drugs, not death from cancer itself!
Applied medical treatment of physical photocatalyst water molecules
台灣醫療專利 : 1263500 美國醫療專利 : US7,534,740 B2
Taiwan medical patent: 1263500 US medical patent: US7,534,740 B2
發明者 : 盧再傳
Inventor : Lu, TSAI-CHUAN
E-mail : cy.nec@msa.hinet.net http : cy-nec.idv.tw
No. 560, Dongyi Road, Chiayi City, Taiwan