Submitted by super"重億興業股份有限公司"主導策劃之"爐源機能科技專業園區"
本計畫書委託Mr.Krasmir Dachev提送聯合國環保機構申請"聯合國環保永續簽章"
The “Space for Lu Yuan Technological Operations” plan of CHUNG YEH MACHINERY &
This plan is entrusted to Mr.Krasmir Dachev for submission to the United Nations’
Environment Protection Organisation in application for the “United Nations Environmental
Protection and Sustainability Seal”.
索菲亞台灣貿易中心Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia的Mrs.Patty Lin回信告訴我說:她已和你取得
聯繫並告訴我說你目前不在保加利亞,你也沒有收到我寄給你的Email,所以Mrs.patty Lin希
Mr.Krasimir Dachv曾是聯合國的委員,並由他本人將此計畫書遞交"聯合國糧食合辨科技研究
中心,並向聯合國糧食合辦科技研究中心取得"聯合國環保永續簽章 ",因SWOT分析若能取得
加盟。 2015年聯合國在「永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) 中,將
造農業經濟價值 ,而「循環農業」是選項之一。「循環農業」意指一種將資源利用效率發揮
兒。歐盟執委會也呼籲 : 對抗全球暖化,我們必須更有效率的處理生物廢棄物(bio-waste) ,
能農業科技產業專業園區」,可類似工業園區的產業可做餐飲住宿(如旅館)零售(如超商)之 買
Mrs Patty Lin from Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia, wrote to inform me that she has managed to
get in contact with you, that you are currently not in Bulgaria and that you did not receive my
email. As such, she advised me to re-write the plan in English and email it to you.
Mr.Krasimir Dachv is a former member of the United Nation. As such, it is up to him to
deliver the plan to the United Nation Food and Technology Research Centre in order to
obtain the United Nations Environmental Protection and Sustainability Seal. Doing so
increases the reliability of SWOT Analysis and attracts the interest of companies,
governments and researchers world-wide, which in turn promotes more studies and
collaboration. In 2015, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United
Nation listed “Sustainable Agriculture” as the second priority. It includes the sustainable
methods of using resources such as land, water and forests etc, that will continuously
generate economic value. One of these methods is “Circular Agriculture”. Circular
Agriculture increases the efficiency in which resources are used to extreme degrees and
together with the technology to recycle by-products, the amount of waste generated is
greatly reduced. It is the new technological creation in agricultural development world-wide.
The European Commision has also called for more efficiency in dealing with bio-waste in
order to reduce Greenhouse Gases in our fight against Global Warming.
To answer the calling of fulfilling my social responsibility, I have established the
“Non-absolutism Eco-technological System”. It allows the respective operations to work
consecutively and simultaneously, ensuring a clean environment free of pollution. The
“Non-absolutism Eco-technological System” of Lu Yuan Technologies reuses materials to
enhance people’s lives and satiate their hunger. By applying for a “Space for Green
Agriculture and Production” from the Taiwanese government, this technology has shown to
completely eliminate environmental issues such as water pollution, air pollution and smell
pollution. It can also generate huge amounts of heat and electricity that can be reused,
fulfilling the basic needs of the people as well as providing a considerable economic value.
The heat and electric energy can produce feed for chicken, duck, goose, fish and fertiliser for
crops. As such, there is a steady supply of food for the people, unaffected by the climate nor
spread of diseases. The criteria of cleanliness, hygiene, safety and steady supply are met in
our effort to curb the shortage of food. The “Space for Green Agriculture and Production” can
serve as a simulation for catering, accommodation and retail; it is a model that allows for
more research for international researchers. “Space for Green Agriculture and Production”
can even be expanded to areas such as factories, cities, towns and offshore islands. By
making use of the surge in agricultural value and ample supply of food, more electricity can
be reserved to fulfill the needs of businesses and industries. By burning waste from
agriculture, industry and households to supply electricity, the “Non-absolutism
Eco-technological System” fulfills its purpose.
Apart from reusing heat and electric energy, the “Non-absolutism Eco-technological System”
can autonomously monitor and control functions such as crop-planting, breeding of sea
products and providing fodder. Furthermore, it shrinks excretory waste, industrial wastewater
and carbon wastes. Through adding solutions such as waste oil and solvents, catalysing
under higher pressure and subsequently burning as fuel to vaporise water for generation of
electricity, the system has achieved next-to-none net pollutant emission. As a result, It
enables the said functions to take place in-doors.
天地造水,水養萬物,滋養天地; 無絕對論大自然薄膜裂解機能水應用技術,裂解重組多種礦
物及纖維的泉源之水; 倒轉乾坤,萬物生態滋養不滅之機能,正為「無絕對論大自然生態科技
負責人: 盧再傅
翻譯者: 高煜展
Non-absolutism Eco-technological System
Functions Circulation Diagram
→Waste materials are shrunk→40% of fecal water are included for catalysis→inject into
boiler at high pressure and burn until the temperature reaches up to 8000 to 10000 thermal
units→A mixture of gases that contains water vapour is created
Water vapour generating electricity in Steam Generator.
→Gases containing water vapour is injected into the generator to generate electricity→The
generator then ejects the mixture of gases and hot water into the catalysis chamber for
mixing→The gas then enters a pipeline under high heat and the water volume is
controlled→Water is boiled under high temperature and high pressure to form a cluster of
small water molecules →The waste materials undergo cracking and is filtered to remove
toxic substances →The cluster of water molecules are complemented with ultra-thin
mineral elements to form new masses of water molecules→The water molecules has
increased surface area, pressure and expansion as compared to those in the first generation
of power.
Hot water vapour generating electricity in Leverage Generator
→The hot water vapour from the first generation is passed into the Leverage Generator for a
second round of electric generation→The water vapour pipe is chilled and distilled water at
room temperature is created.
Distilled Water for crops, animals, food and cleaning
→A combination of distilled water and minerals are used to grow crops, cultivate water
farms and fodder for farm animals→Another portion of distilled water is used to clean
excretion which then flows back to collection points to be reused.→After processing, 40% of
excretory materials are burned as fuel in the boiler.
This ecological function releases zero air pollution, water pollution and waste, achieving the
highest standard of environment friendliness. Other than the huge economic value
generated from heat and electric energy, it can also meet the material needs of the people
and at the same time create a clean and hygienic living environment.
Heaven creates water. Water supports life and maintains the earth. The “Non-absolutism
Natural Molecular Functional water” undergoes pyrolysis and with the inclusion of
technology, cracks and re-forms water that contains numerous types of minerals and fiber.
This is a turnabout. An operation that maintains lives ceasely truly fulfills the sustainability
principle of the Non-absolutism Eco-technological System.
Person-In-Charge: LU, TSAI-CHUAN
Translator: KAO YU CHAN